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Lecture of Prof. Raffaello Castoria for Visiting Jiangsu University

Edit: Time: 2014-10-20 Hits:

Raffaello Castoria

Professor and Senior Researcher (Leading Scientist, Principal Investigator), Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences, University of Molise, IT.

Topic: The Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences at the University of Molise: an Example of Food Science Education and Research in Italy

Time: Oct. 22, 2014, 14:30 am.

Place: 203Room, School of Food and Biological Engineering.

Topic: Biological Control of (Mycotoxigenic) Postharvest Fungal Pathogens
Time: Oct. 30, 2014, 9:00 am.
Place: the No.3 lecture hall on the third floor of the conference center (OEC building)

Introduction to Prof. Raffaello Castoria

Prof. Raffaello Castoria received his Ph.D. from University of Rome “La Sapienza” and University of Perugia in Biotechnology of Fungi (Doctoral thesis “Molecular basis of fungal elicitor-mediated induction of defense responses in plant cells”). His research focus is on three major research lines - A, B and C below (C is the present work):

A. Study of aflatoxin-producing Aspergillus spp.: role of peroxidation and ageing in the induction of Aflatoxin biosynthesis. This study has provided the basis for improved strategies of conservation of cereals and oily seeds.

B. Study of molecular signals inducing defense responses in plants: role of oxidative processes in the transduction of signal molecules acting as elicitors of plant defense responses.

C. Study of the mechanisms of action of yeasts acting as biocontrol agents of postharvest fungal pathogens of horticultural and fruit crops, the optimisation of the activity of these agents, the prevention, monitoring and detoxification of the mycotoxins Ochratoxin A in wine-grapes and wine, and Patulin in pome fruits and pome fruit-based juices, also through the identification and use of yeast gene(s) involved in the detoxification process.

This research activity has important applicative implications: it contributes to addressing the goals indicated by EU legislation (2009/128/CE), which aims at strongly reducing the utilization of chemicals in agriculture; it represents an important contribution to Food Safety, since EU (as well as other countries in the world, including US) have set the highest tolerable levels of mycotoxins in food and feed (EC Regulation 1881/2006); it contributes to Food Security, since it paves the way to the utilization and commercialization of food that should otherwise be discarded.

In the frame of the this research line:

l foundation of the laboratory of Molecular Plant Pathology aimed to characterizing biodiversity of beneficial microbial and plants, and to studying biocontrol mechanisms and mycotoxin detoxification at a molecular genetics level.

l knowledge of molecular biotechnology, i.e. recombinant DNA (genetic engineering), complementing competencies in sustainable agriculture, enabling to critically assess risks and potentialities in the utilization of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) for addressing major issues in agriculture, both in developed and developing Countries.

l organization and implementation of international collaborations with scientists providing their contribution on topics specifically belonging and complementary to this research activity.

l patent and patent applications which are of interest for commercial utilization by a company in the sector of agrochemicals and biological control.

l providing advice to companies of the agrochemical sector.

l agreements with companies of the agrochemical sector for funding research activity specifically aimed at developing biocontrol agents-based products.

(School of Food and Biological Engineering)

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