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Guo Qin

NameGuo Qin

Technical postAssociate Professor

Address301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, PR China



1998-2002   Henan University of Technology,Bachelor
  2003-2006 Henan University of Technology, Master
  2006-2009 Zhejiang University, food safety, Ph.D

Professional   Experience

2009.11-   Jiangsu Universtiy

Scientific   Research Field
  food microbial fermentation and genetic engineering; food-borne bacterial   pathogen; food safety

Social academic post and honor

Teaching Courses

Microbiology;   food nutrition; food technology

Published   papers

1) Guo, Q.,   Zhang, W., Ma, L., Chen, Q., Chen, J., Zhang, H., Ruan, H. and He, G. A   food-grade industrial arming yeast expressing β-1, 3-1, 4-glucanase with   enhanced thermal stability. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B. 2010.   11(1): 41-51.
  2) Guo, Q., Zhang, W., Ruan, H. and He, G. A food-grade expression/secretion   vector for yeast usingα-galactosidase as selection marker. 2009, 14th World   Congress of Food Science &Technology.
  3) Guo, Q., Zhang, W., He, GQ, etc. The cell-surface display expression   system of Saccharomycescerevisiae and its application. China biotechnology.   2008. 28(012): 116-122.
  4) Guo Qin
Cai Jingping 投注平台 ailanetc. The study on the diversities of microbial activity in   different parts of grain bulks. The grain and oil process and food mechanics.   2006(007): 65-68.
Guo Qin,  Zhang Wei, Ruan Hui, etc. Studies on the   Growth and Fermentation Ability and Genetic Stability of the Recombinant GAL   Genotype Yeast. .Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology
Guo Qin, Cao QG, Han Dong, etc. The Analysis of   Fermentation process of 5 kinds of vegetables and the studies on the probiotic   properties of lactic acid bacteria(LAB). Science and Technology of Food   Industry. 2013,12
  7) Guo Qin, Xu HT, Yang LP, etc. Studies on the biofilm formation of Vibrio    parahaemolyticus and the effect of its natural inhibitor under   different conditions. Science and Technology of Food Industry.2014.10
Guo Qin, Ruan Hui, Zhang Wei, etc. Studies on the   properties of displayed β-1,3-1,4-glucanase on the yeast cell. Journal of   Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology. 2014.10
  9) Cui shumao, Guo Qin, Dong Ying. The Study on Jerusalem artichoke   pickleFermented Directly by lactobacillus plantarumProducing Higher   Extracellular Polysaccharide. Food and fermentation technolofy, 2011,   recepted.
  10) Meilin Chen,Qin Guo, Hui Ruan, etc. Construction of the yeast whole cell   ROL bio- catalyst with high activity. 2011, Journal of Zhejiang   University-Science B.
  11) Zhang Wei, Guo Qin, Ruan Hui, etc. The application of cell-surface   display technology of yeast in protein engineering. Biotechnology Bulletin.   2009.(008): 63-66.
  12) Qingguo Cao, Qin Guo, Yanqiang Shi, etc. Enzymatic Characteristics of   Protease of Alternaria atternata, The Pathogenic Mold for Black Embryo Wheat   Grains. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and OilsAssociation. 2007. 22(003):   26-28.
  13) Jicheng Chen, Qihe Chen, Qin Guo, Sue Ruan, Hui Ruan, Guo-Qing He and   Qing Gu.Simultaneous Determination of Acetoin and Tetramethylpyrazine in   Traditional Vinegars by HPLC Method. Food Chemistry. 2010. 122(4): 1247–1252.

Main Scientific Research Projects

1)The transduction   mechanism of virulence gene of Vibrio parahaemolyticus byPhage-mediation32101373),National Natural Science Foundation of China 2013.01-2015.12
  2) The Pathogenic mechanism of Vibrio parahaemolyticus(1281360012),   Foundation of Jiangsu University,2011.1-2013.12
  3) The construction of strains and gene libraries of Lactic acid bacteria   (1221360028), The practice and Innovative training program of Jiangsu higher   students, 2010.6-2012.5
  4) The epidemiology of pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus of Jiangsu and its   formation mechanism(SBK201022695), National Natural Science Foundation of   Jiangsu Province
  5) The regulation of Bitter on glucose and lipid metabolism and its molecular   nutrition mechanism (31040061), National Natural Science Foundation of China


1)The knockout   of Allele gene and the recombinant GAL strain. Guo Qin, Zhang Wei, He   guoqing, Ruan Hui,. The application Number: 201010284289.6
  2)The construction of two-GAL4 genotype yeast by homologous recombination and   its industrial application. He guoqing, Ruan Hui,Guo Qin, Zhang Wei. The   Publication Number: 101864371A

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of supervised   undergraduates


The above   information updated


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